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Illustrated Cocktail Recipe Book - Drink Up and Glow

Illustrated Cocktail Recipe Book: Drink Up and Glow

Drink Up and Glow is a fully photographed and illustrated cocktail recipe book. This non-fiction book features 75 recipes for non-alcoholic drinks made with powerful, stress-busting plants: adaptogens. Organised seasonally, these recipes feature fresh produce and include zero alcohol.

My creative process

Quarto Books commissioned me to create all the illustrations for the book and cover. I enjoyed illustrating Gaby Mlynarczyk’s book because floral and food illustrations are one of my specialities. 

The art director’s mood board helped me set the composition for the cover and some interior artwork. To create the other illustrations I relied on the list of the drinks to feature in the book and the ingredients to include in each artwork. My focus was on creating vibrant and fun illustrations. I wanted the book’s pages to overflow with colour and vitality, highlighting the texture and richness of colours of each plant. Nicola Parisi brilliantly matched my illustrations with her gorgeous photos.

Illustrated Cocktail Recipe Book - Drink Up and Glow

Who the book is for

This cocktail recipe book is for all those who wish to incorporate adaptogens in their diet in a more sustainable and enjoyable way. It’s perfect for those seeking alternative routes to Western medicine by exploring adaptogens, plants used for centuries in traditional and ancestral medicine, to better adapt to stress and increase wellness. 

Illustrated Cocktail Recipe Book - Drink Up and Glow

When the book is available from

The book is available from the 11th of June 2024 and you can buy it on Amazon.

That’s all for now, until next time!

I loved creating the rich and vibrant illustrations featured in this book. If you think I could be a great fit for your book project, why don’t we chat?

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Illustrated Cocktail Recipe Book - Drink Up and Glow
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